Talent Partner Marketplace

We have partnered with companies who specialise in sourcing hard to find software engineers. They offer our technical assessments as part of their process to guarantee you meet the highest calibre candidates.

Whether you are hiring contractors, full time employees or looking for a pre-built team; whether your location model is remote, hybrid or onsite, our marketplace partners have a solution for you.

Having trouble choosing who to engage with? Talk to one of our team first.

Talk to our marketplace team

Quickly source and hire high calibre Software Engineers from our hand-picked partners

New to Hiring Remote Developers?

We have partnered with market leading Employer of Record provider Playroll to help companies hire remote developers. Playroll provide you with a complete solution:-

  • 24/7 international legal team support (Local taxes, employment laws etc.).
  • Local HR Compliance that updates itself.
  • Manage all employee payroll runs, expenses, holidays, bonuses, commissions etc. in one platform.
  • Free hiring resources - Cost calculator and country playbooks.

Whilst giving you complete control over your IP and retaining the day to day management of your team.