Online PHP Coding Challenges

What makes a great PHP Developer?

What makes a great PHP Coding Challenge?

PHP Coding Challenges

PHP coding challenges are a uniquely capable tool for assessing the skills and competencies of a developer. Our PHP code challenges are designed to be completed within a reasonable time scale, and to provide an enjoyable PHP challenge to the developer.

The way we design our challenges means that the end result is not a binary pass/fail, but rather provides nuanced feedback that provides a genuine insight into the solution provided.

This is possible because every PHP programming challenge solution we receive is reviewed by one of our experts in the field. Each of our code reviews is given line by line comments as appropriate, as well as an overall summary and rating. This approach means that the developer always receives useful feedback, as well as giving the potential employer valuable information to aid with making hiring decisions.



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What does this mean for PHP?

PHP is a language with a long history, and it’s development has created a language which can be used in many different ways. Every problem can be approached in various different ways, and each solution may be appropriate in different scenarios. We work on the basis that there often is not a single correct approach for a given problem. Any approach that attempts to fulfil the requirements of a coding challenge will be given full and proper feedback which can help to understand some of the advantages and disadvantages of the approach taken.

What can a PHP coding challenge be used to assess?

We are building a wide variety of PHP coding challenges, these are been carefully crafted to assess a number of different aspects of PHP development. Which of these elements is considered important will vary from person to person and organisation to organisation.

Some important elements that a PHP coding challenge could be crafted to assess include:

  • Object-oriented design principles
  • Understanding of PHPs built-in functions
  • The differences between CLI and Web applications
  • Use of proper escaping for output
  • Use of proper validation for inputs
  • Understanding both the power and limitations of PHP arrays

Our approach to assessments can be used to gain an insight into all of these, and many more. Our approach is not limited to simply checking the output, but can also provide useful qualitative feedback about the solution.

Our code challenges can be adapted and extended to focus on the areas that are important to you. Our experts understanding of PHP allows us to accurately assess a solution, providing the feedback that matters to you and your team.

Want to test your PHP skills and be reviewed by one of our expert review team?


Libraries and Frameworks

We cannot talk about measuring a developer’s ability without also touching on the vast array of libraries and frameworks that are available to use with PHP. Two of the most popular frameworks are WordPress and Laravel. A typical automated approach to coding challenges would not be able to usefully assess the use of these, or other similar frameworks.

Interest by region

Our code challenges can provide a base project suitable for assessing a developer’s familiarity with various frameworks. We can for example include a basic Laravel application, while tasking the developer with creating controllers and views which meet the challenge criteria. Our human approach to assessment allows us to verify that the developer has not only achieved output of the challenge set, but that they have also achieved it in the manner requested.

A lot of modern PHP development will reuse existing code libraries, and these dependencies are normally managed through Composer. Our code challenges can be supplied with initial Composer files which can include libraries that are important to your company. Assessments can also be crafted to help ensure that a candidate has the opportunity to showcase their ability to work with libraries that they may not be immediately familiar with.

Why choose us for your PHP coding challenges?

We are here to help whether you are a developer looking to showcase your skills, or an employer seeking their next proven developer. At Geektastic we pride ourselves on the expert knowledge of our assessors, and on their ability to communicate the results clearly and professionally.

We have coding challenges suitable for all levels and carefully tuned to ensure that they will always return useful feedback.


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Want to license a PHP code challenge to analyse the PHP skills of your candidates?

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Looking to find out more about take-home code challenges and what makes a good challenge?

Check out of page where we talk about take-home code challenges